There is a huge vibrational shift in consciousness happening.
A united portal of love and light reminding us to find our balance and fill ourselves with the magic of remembering what our role here on earth is for. Take responsibility for cleaning your own garden, and say goodbye to that which no longer serves in accordance with who you are today. Let go of fear, self-doubt and worry about being worthy, and know you are made with purpose. Embrace love, transcend your priorities to encompass an elevated spirit and allow yourself the freedom to be occupied in your true self. Nourish the present moment. Let go of those things which deter you from pressing forward, fill yourself with light. Close the vortex of doubt and darkness, that we as humans we carry the dualities of both light and darkness: positive and negative, good and evil, however you choose to view it.
On this day, the message is about progressing with the shift in consciousness, as we move into a new portal, a new vibrational frequency, a new reality. Channel an energy of light to help with the spiritual alignment of love for mother nature, the earth, and fellow humankind, the entire collective. Give yourself permission to shed the old skin and patterns of thinking, that you may ascend to the next frequency, the next reality - aligned with love and pure balance. Meditate on this chord of awakening. Stay in the love. Stay in the truth of who you are. ♥
♥ Styliiista xx